For a long time, I’ve been looking for small, cheap, and lightweight RC plane. Here’s how I made one. The Plan My goals for the plane were : So cheap that crashing is OK, so it can be used to learn RC flight and aerobatics. Super simple : no autopilot, maybe gyro/stabilization but should be flyable without it. Small + light : fit in a backpack to take everywhere (we now have crazy portable RC Controllers, we need matching planes !) Powerful enough to have fun ! Bonus points for being able to glide properly / do soaring flights. The Plane The plane turned out to be an amazing machine that checks almost all the boxes ! It is very lightweight and capable, costs around €30 to build and almost nothing to repair. Together with the Radiomaster Pocket Crush, it’s the perfect RC plane to carry everywhere ! ...
Adjusting the print height in Klipper
In FDM 3D printing, the first layer is very important. It must be well adhered to the bed, and the nozzle must not be too close to the bed, otherwise the filament will not be able to come out. On the other hand, if the nozzle is too far from the bed, the first layer will not be well adhered to the bed, and the print will fail due to bad adhesion (warping, part coming off the bed, etc.). ...
Charging 2S and 3S Lithium packs over USB-C with the LISC module
Charging multi-cell lithium packs often requires bulky chargers and power supplies. However, interesting modules have been released that can charge 2S and 3S packs with a simple USB-C charger. These modules are labeled as “LISC” modules. Mine is labeled “LX-LISC-V2”. This article will introduce the LISC module and how to use it. Where to buy Aliexpress Module description This module is a small PCB based on the IP2326 in a QFN24 package. The little board can charge both 2s and 3s packs. It has a built-in balancer for 2S. For 3S, an external balancer is required. ...
Runcam Thumb Review
The RunCam Thumb came out long ago, but with the Pro version now released its price has dropped to a very affordable $35. So let’s take a look at what you get for that price. Disclaimer: I bought this camera with my own money, and I’m not sponsored by RunCam in any way. Specs 1080p 60fps (50fps with gyro data) 150° FOV Power from USB or 5V (from the flight controller) very small and light (9.8g, 52x13x21mm) What’s in the Box The camera comes in a small box with : ...